Unexpected store exception

Gestart door Nol, woensdag 05 januari 2022, 23:00:21

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Ik durf het bijna niet te zeggen...  :nee2:
Installeer een schone windows 10...
Mocht je dan nog problemen krijgen is het de hardware. :icon_eek1:


Ik zou hier eerst een een cleaner over heen halen maar dat is mijn mening, heb het hele verhaal eens gelezen maar voor ik een verse instal zou doen eerst eens een goeie cleaner gebruiken zoals Privazer.
Waarschijnlijk zijn er wat onderdelen achter gebleven door niet goed verwijderen.
En die 360 heb ik vroeger ook gebruikt maar ben daar van af gestapt gebruik nu al jaren Eset in mijn optiek de beste die er is.
Privazer kun je hier vinden het scannen duurt wel even maar ik gebruik deze al jaren naar volle tevredenheid.
Een schone instal kan altijd nog.


Is natuurlijk waar wat je zegt Hans!  :icon_good:
Maar inmiddels heeft hij al 3 tools moeten uitvoeren nr4 is nu aan de beurt,
hoelang & hoeveel tools wil je gebruiken?  :schater:


het word nu verwarrend Nol heeft duidelijk aangegeven met het huidige systeem door te gaan.
we zijn bijna klaar we hebben nu schil voor schil aangepakt
nu ondervind hij problemen met het installeren van een driver updater (oorzaak onbekend)
aangezien  ik het belang van de drivers erg belangrijk vind, zal ik hem een link geven waar hij uit kan kiezen.
heb niet gewerkt met andere dan avg dus moet men afgaan op de recensies van bovenstaande website.
en de hoeveelheid toools is mijn werkwijze om iemand te helpen en dan duidelijk is voor hem/haar waar ze mee bezig zijn, en wat de resultaten zijn.
ben altijd uitermate voorzichtig en vraag continu om feedback opdat het voor mij duidelijk is wat het heeft gedaan.
en naar aanleiding van de feedback ga ik verder en reik  meer tools aan totdat het systeem in mijn ogen redelijk stabiel is.
dat er dingen zijn waar ik me over verbaasd is iets wat ik vind en voor de ander totaal geen probleem hoeft te zijn.


Even een vraag wat AVG betreft.
Als ik de link van Gerrit in post 31 aanklikt dan kan ik TuneUp downloaden als AVG_Performance_709.exe
Download ik het van deze site dan heet die avg_tuneup_online_setup.exe
Met die van de link van Gerrit krijg ik een internet probleem, ik weet niet of de andere wel laat installeren en of dat zo´n zelfde tuneup progje is
Ik ga nog niets installeren en wacht de reactie even af

Ik heb inmiddels wel Privazer uitgevoerd en dit is het resultaat


18 dingen verwijderd die mee opstarten plus 8 gig aan rotzooi opgeruimd prima


We zijn inmiddels 2 weken verder en ik weet nog niet wat ik met TuneUp moet doen en welke ik moet downloaden.


ik heb u alternatieven gegeven......tuneup = geen driverupdate........


Dus moet ik AVG link van post 31 vergeten en een keuze maken welke driver update software ik moet nemen uit je link van post 48
Daar haal je AVG ook aan en ik dacht dat er je een AVG driver update software bedoelde.
Heb je een keuze welke ik het beste kan downloaden ?


wat is er niet duidelijk dan in het bericht?


In bericht 31 geef je aan dat ik hardware controle moet doen met een software van AVG
Dat lukt niet dan krijg ik een foutmelding en in reactie 48 moet ik driver update doem maar met welk programma weet ik niet maar je geef wel aan dat je zelf met een AVG werkt
Dan wordt het voor mij verwarrend wat je bedoelt met AVG en wat volgens jou de beste driver update is buiten AVG om
Of ik snap er niets meer van dat kan ook  :icon_wink: :icon_biggrin1:


Drivers moeten up to date zijn, die kun je doen met die link die gerrit plaatste, daar kun je uit kiezen welke software je daarvoor kan gebruiken.
Ik zelf gebruik patchmypc.

Laat even zien welke drivers niet up to date zijn.  :icon_good:


Heb ik op 7 januari al gedaan en het resultaat in post 15 vermeld
Dit is het logfile van die test

7-1-2022 19:52:31 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 19:52:32 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 19:52:32 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 19:52:32 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 19:52:33 - Definition load completed in: 0,68 seconds
7-1-2022 19:52:33 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 19:52:33 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 19:52:34 - Scan completed in: 0,78 seconds
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Patch My PC | Definitions: 07-Jan-2022 | 7-1-2022 20:06:15

7-1-2022 20:06:15 - OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64

7-1-2022 20:06:15 - 12 App(s) to install or update...
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Download URL: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Download size: 0 MB
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Download Starting for: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Downloading Adobe Flash NPAPI (0 MB)
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Total download time in seconds: 0,22
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Install Command: -install
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:06:15 - Silently install Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Failed to start installation of C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Download URL: https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=245477_4d5417147a92418ea8b615e228bb6935
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Deleted corrupt installer: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Java 8 Update 311 (x86).exe
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Downloading Java 8 Update 311 (x86) (71,22 MB)
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Download size: 71,22 MB
7-1-2022 20:06:26 - Download Starting for: https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=245477_4d5417147a92418ea8b615e228bb6935
7-1-2022 20:06:27 - Total download time in seconds: 0,98
7-1-2022 20:06:27 - Install Command: /s REMOVEOUTOFDATEJRES=1
7-1-2022 20:06:27 - Java 8 Update 311 (x86) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:06:27 - Silently install Java 8 Update 311 (x86)
7-1-2022 20:07:20 - Cancelling update process please wait...
7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Install Successful for Java 8 Update 311 (x86)

7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Java 8 Update 311 (x86).exe
7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Skipping install for Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Skipping install for Media Player Classic - HC 1.9.18 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Skipping install for VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86) since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:39 - Skipping install for WinRAR 6.02 (x64) since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:40 - Skipping install for OpenVPN 2.5.028 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:40 - Skipping install for Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:40 - Skipping install for CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:40 - Skipping install for Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:40 - Skipping install for TeamViewer 15.25.8 since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:41 - Skipping install for 360 Total Security since update process Is cancelling
7-1-2022 20:07:41 -
Patch My PC Update Complete 7-1-2022 20:07:41
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Definition load completed in: 0,21 seconds
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 20:09:17 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 20:09:18 - Scan completed in: 0,76 seconds
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Patch My PC | Definitions: 07-Jan-2022 | 7-1-2022 20:09:37

7-1-2022 20:09:37 - OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64

7-1-2022 20:09:37 - 11 App(s) to install or update...
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Download URL: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Download size: 0 MB
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Downloading Adobe Flash NPAPI (0 MB)
7-1-2022 20:09:37 - Download Starting for: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 20:09:38 - Total download time in seconds: 0,21
7-1-2022 20:09:38 - Install Command: -install
7-1-2022 20:09:38 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:09:38 - Silently install Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Failed to start installation of C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Deleted corrupt installer: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Download URL: https://dl.google.com/tag/s/appguid%3D%7B8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96%7D%26iid%3D%7BD2BB0CDC-67E0-DFC3-7A6F-7D2C7C2B8F89%7D%26lang%3Den%26browser%3D3%26usagestats%3D0%26appname%3DGoogle%2520Chrome%26needsadmin%3Dtrue%26ap%3Dx64-stable-statsdef_1%26installdataindex%3Dempty/chrome/install/ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71.exe
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Downloading Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71 (79,91 MB)
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Download size: 79,91 MB
7-1-2022 20:09:42 - Download Starting for: https://dl.google.com/tag/s/appguid%3D%7B8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96%7D%26iid%3D%7BD2BB0CDC-67E0-DFC3-7A6F-7D2C7C2B8F89%7D%26lang%3Den%26browser%3D3%26usagestats%3D0%26appname%3DGoogle%2520Chrome%26needsadmin%3Dtrue%26ap%3Dx64-stable-statsdef_1%26installdataindex%3Dempty/chrome/install/ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe
7-1-2022 20:09:43 - Total download time in seconds: 0,98
7-1-2022 20:09:43 - Install Command: /silent /install
7-1-2022 20:09:43 - Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71 Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:09:43 - Silently install Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71
7-1-2022 20:12:23 - Install Complete Exit Code -2147219198

7-1-2022 20:12:23 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:24 - Download URL: https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc/releases/download/1.9.18/MPC-HC.1.9.18.x64.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:24 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Media Player Classic - HC
7-1-2022 20:12:24 - Downloading Media Player Classic - HC 1.9.18 (17,1 MB)
7-1-2022 20:12:24 - Download size: 17,1 MB
7-1-2022 20:12:24 - Download Starting for: https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc/releases/download/1.9.18/MPC-HC.1.9.18.x64.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:25 - Total download time in seconds: 0,54
7-1-2022 20:12:25 - Media Player Classic - HC 1.9.18 Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:12:25 - Silently install Media Player Classic - HC 1.9.18
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Install Successful for Media Player Classic - HC 1.9.18

7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Media Player Classic - HC
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Download URL: https://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/3.0.16/win32/vlc-3.0.16-win32.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86).exe
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Downloading VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86) (39,46 MB)
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Download size: 39,46 MB
7-1-2022 20:12:29 - Download Starting for: https://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/3.0.16/win32/vlc-3.0.16-win32.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:30 - Total download time in seconds: 0,98
7-1-2022 20:12:30 - Install Command: /S
7-1-2022 20:12:30 - VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:12:30 - Silently install VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86)
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Install Successful for VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86)

7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\VLC media player 3.0.16 (x86).exe
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Download URL: https://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-602.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\WinRAR 6.02 (x64).exe
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Downloading WinRAR 6.02 (x64) (3,19 MB)
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Download size: 3,19 MB
7-1-2022 20:12:45 - Download Starting for: https://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-602.exe
7-1-2022 20:12:46 - Total download time in seconds: 0,55
7-1-2022 20:12:46 - Install Command: /s
7-1-2022 20:12:46 - WinRAR 6.02 (x64) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:12:46 - Silently install WinRAR 6.02 (x64)
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Install Successful for WinRAR 6.02 (x64)

7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\WinRAR 6.02 (x64).exe
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Download URL: https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/OpenVPN-2.5.5-I602-amd64.msi
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\OpenVPN 2.5.028.msi
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Downloading OpenVPN 2.5.028 (4,21 MB)
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Download size: 4,21 MB
7-1-2022 20:12:47 - Download Starting for: https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/OpenVPN-2.5.5-I602-amd64.msi
7-1-2022 20:12:48 - Total download time in seconds: 0,33
7-1-2022 20:12:48 - Install Command: /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
7-1-2022 20:12:48 - OpenVPN 2.5.028 Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:12:48 - Silently install OpenVPN 2.5.028
7-1-2022 20:13:04 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\OpenVPN 2.5.028.msi
7-1-2022 20:13:04 - Install Successful for OpenVPN 2.5.028

7-1-2022 20:13:04 - Download URL: https://www.revouninstaller.com/download/revosetup.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:05 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:05 - Download size: 7,16 MB
7-1-2022 20:13:05 - Downloading Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5 (7,16 MB)
7-1-2022 20:13:05 - Download Starting for: https://www.revouninstaller.com/download/revosetup.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:07 - Total download time in seconds: 1,40
7-1-2022 20:13:07 - Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5 Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:13:07 - Silently install Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5
7-1-2022 20:13:09 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:09 - Install Successful for Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5

7-1-2022 20:13:09 - Download URL: https://mirrors.gigenet.com/OSDN//crystaldiskinfo/76462/CrystalDiskInfo8_13_3.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:10 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:10 - Download size: 4,53 MB
7-1-2022 20:13:10 - Downloading CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3 (4,53 MB)
7-1-2022 20:13:10 - Download Starting for: https://mirrors.gigenet.com/OSDN//crystaldiskinfo/76462/CrystalDiskInfo8_13_3.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:11 - Total download time in seconds: 1,31
7-1-2022 20:13:11 - CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3 Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:13:11 - Silently install CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3
7-1-2022 20:13:14 - Install Successful for CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3

7-1-2022 20:13:14 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\CrystalDiskInfo 8.13.3.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:15 - Download URL: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:15 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 20:13:15 - Download size: 156,29 MB
7-1-2022 20:13:15 - Download Starting for: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 20:13:16 - Total download time in seconds: 1,64
7-1-2022 20:13:16 - Install Command: /sAll /rs /rps /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES
7-1-2022 20:13:16 - Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:13:16 - Silently install Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Install Successful for Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)

7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Download URL: https://dl.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewer_Setup_nl.exe
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Download size: 30,47 MB
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Downloading TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL) (30,47 MB)
7-1-2022 20:14:06 - Download Starting for: https://dl.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewer_Setup_nl.exe
7-1-2022 20:14:07 - Total download time in seconds: 1,20
7-1-2022 20:14:07 - Install Command: /S
7-1-2022 20:14:07 - TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:14:07 - Silently install TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL)
7-1-2022 20:14:28 - Install Successful for TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL)

7-1-2022 20:14:28 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\TeamViewer 15.25.8 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 20:14:28 - Download URL: http://free.360totalsecurity.com/totalsecurity/360TS_Setup_10.8.0.1419.exe
7-1-2022 20:14:29 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\360 Total Security
7-1-2022 20:14:29 - Download size: 87,56 MB
7-1-2022 20:14:29 - Download Starting for: http://free.360totalsecurity.com/totalsecurity/360TS_Setup_10.8.0.1419.exe
7-1-2022 20:14:30 - Total download time in seconds: 0,98
7-1-2022 20:14:30 - Install Command: /S
7-1-2022 20:14:30 - 360 Total Security Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 20:14:30 - Silently install 360 Total Security
7-1-2022 20:56:02 - Install Successful for 360 Total Security

7-1-2022 20:56:02 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\360 Total Security
7-1-2022 20:56:03 -
Patch My PC Update Complete 7-1-2022 20:56:03
7-1-2022 21:00:29 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 21:00:29 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:00:29 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 21:00:29 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:00:30 - Definition load completed in: 0,20 seconds
7-1-2022 21:00:30 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 21:00:30 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 21:00:30 - Scan completed in: 0,79 seconds
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Patch My PC | Definitions: 07-Jan-2022 | 7-1-2022 21:00:51

7-1-2022 21:00:51 - OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64

7-1-2022 21:00:51 - 2 App(s) to install or update...
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Download URL: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Download size: 0 MB
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Downloading Adobe Flash NPAPI (0 MB)
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Download Starting for: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Total download time in seconds: 0,21
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Install Command: -install
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 21:00:51 - Silently install Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Adobe Flash NPAPI Failed to start installation of C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Download URL: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Deleted corrupt installer: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Adobe Flash NPAPI
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Download size: 156,29 MB
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Downloading Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) (156,29 MB)
7-1-2022 21:02:03 - Download Starting for: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 21:02:05 - Total download time in seconds: 2,06
7-1-2022 21:02:05 - Install Command: /sAll /rs /rps /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES
7-1-2022 21:02:05 - Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 21:02:05 - Silently install Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)
7-1-2022 21:02:39 - Install Successful for Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)

7-1-2022 21:02:39 - Unable to delete: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe file may be in use
7-1-2022 21:02:39 -
Patch My PC Update Complete 7-1-2022 21:02:39
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Definition load completed in: 0,22 seconds
7-1-2022 21:03:32 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 21:03:33 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 21:03:33 - Scan completed in: 0,76 seconds
7-1-2022 21:04:56 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 21:04:56 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:04:57 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 21:04:57 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 21:04:57 - Definition load completed in: 0,20 seconds
7-1-2022 21:04:57 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 21:04:57 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 21:04:58 - Scan completed in: 0,80 seconds
7-1-2022 22:58:25 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 22:58:25 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 22:58:26 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 22:58:26 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 22:58:26 - Definition load completed in: 0,18 seconds
7-1-2022 22:58:26 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 22:58:26 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 22:58:27 - Scan completed in: 0,80 seconds
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Definition load completed in: 0,21 seconds
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 23:06:24 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 23:06:25 - Scan completed in: 0,76 seconds
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Patch My PC | Definitions: 07-Jan-2022 | 7-1-2022 23:06:44

7-1-2022 23:06:45 - OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64

7-1-2022 23:06:45 - 1 App(s) to install or update...
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Download URL: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Download size: 156,29 MB
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Downloading Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) (156,29 MB)
7-1-2022 23:06:45 - Download Starting for: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
7-1-2022 23:06:46 - Total download time in seconds: 1,74
7-1-2022 23:06:46 - Install Command: /sAll /rs /rps /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES
7-1-2022 23:06:46 - Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) Downloaded Successfully
7-1-2022 23:06:46 - Silently install Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)
7-1-2022 23:07:23 - Install Successful for Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)

7-1-2022 23:07:23 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
7-1-2022 23:07:24 -
Patch My PC Update Complete 7-1-2022 23:07:24
7-1-2022 23:09:23 - Patch My PC Started
7-1-2022 23:09:23 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 23:09:23 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7-1-2022 23:09:23 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7-1-2022 23:09:24 - Definition load completed in: 0,66 seconds
7-1-2022 23:09:24 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
7-1-2022 23:09:24 - Performing scan of installed applications
7-1-2022 23:09:25 - Scan completed in: 0,76 seconds
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Patch My PC Started
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Definition load completed in: 0,23 seconds
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
8-1-2022 18:36:27 - Performing scan of installed applications
8-1-2022 18:36:28 - Scan completed in: 0,79 seconds
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Patch My PC | Definitions: 07-Jan-2022 | 8-1-2022 18:36:52

8-1-2022 18:36:52 - OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64

8-1-2022 18:36:52 - 1 App(s) to install or update...
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Download URL: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Download size: 156,29 MB
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Downloading Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) (156,29 MB)
8-1-2022 18:36:52 - Download Starting for: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1900820071/AcroRdrDC1900820071_nl_NL.exe
8-1-2022 18:36:54 - Total download time in seconds: 1,53
8-1-2022 18:36:54 - Install Command: /sAll /rs /rps /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES
8-1-2022 18:36:54 - Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL) Downloaded Successfully
8-1-2022 18:36:54 - Silently install Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)
8-1-2022 18:37:26 - Install Successful for Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL)

8-1-2022 18:37:26 - Deleted file: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.007.20099 (NL).exe
8-1-2022 18:37:26 -
Patch My PC Update Complete 8-1-2022 18:37:26
8-1-2022 18:37:46 - Patch My PC Started
8-1-2022 18:37:46 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:37:47 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
8-1-2022 18:37:47 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:37:47 - Definition load completed in: 0,17 seconds
8-1-2022 18:37:47 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
8-1-2022 18:37:47 - Performing scan of installed applications
8-1-2022 18:37:48 - Scan completed in: 0,76 seconds
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Patch My PC Started
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Definition load completed in: 0,19 seconds
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
8-1-2022 18:41:18 - Performing scan of installed applications
8-1-2022 18:41:19 - Scan completed in: 0,78 seconds


Oke, en deze software kun jij nog steeds niet installeren?
Ook niet als je je antivirus uitzet?


ik begrijp de verwarring niet heb toch duidelijk aangegeven wat u moet doen :icon_rolleyes:
u moet u hardware drivers controleren op updates......wat is daar moeilijk aan?
en dat moet u na elke grote windowsupdate doen.
en ik heb u alternatieven aangeboden
en ondertussen bent u met vanalles bezig behalve wat u moet doen :icon_confused:

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